Austrostipa jacobsiana A.R.Williams. Telopea
13 (1–2) 186 (2011).
Classification. (GPWG 2001) : Subfamily Pooideae.
Tribe Stipeae.
Type of Basionym or
Protologue Information: Western Australia, Southern River, Perth, 14
Nov.2003, A.R.Williams 881 (holo: Perth 07770111; iso: NSW).
Perennial. Culms 80–120 cm tall. Leaf-sheaths hairy. Leaf-sheath auricles
present. Ligule an eciliate membrane, 0.4–1 mm long, obtuse. Leaf-blades erect,
filiform, conduplicate, 35–45 cm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide. Leaf-blade surface
Panicle linear, 10–20 cm long, 1–2 cm wide.
Spikelets pedicelled. Fertile spikelets comprising 1 fertile floret(s), without
rachilla extension, lanceolate, terete, 10–12 mm long.
Glumes. Glumes
similar, firmer than fertile lemma, dull. Lower glume lanceolate, membranous,
without keels, 3 -nerved. Upper glume lanceolate, 9–12 mm long, membranous,
1-keeled, 5 -nerved.
Fertile lemma 6–8 mm long, without keel. Lemma apex dentate, awned, 1 -awned.
Median (principal) awn 38–49 mm long overall, with a twisted column. Column
11–17 mm long. Palea without keels. Lodicules present. Anthers 3. Grain 4.5–5
mm long.
Distribution: Australasia.
Distribution: Western Australia.
Western Australia: