Hordeum leporinum*

Hordeumlep orinum* Link. Linnaea
9: 133 (1834).

Classification. (GPWG 2001) : Subfamily Pooideae.
Tribe Triticeae.

Type of Basionym or
Protologue Information
: Frequens in Graecia, HT: (B (destroyed)).

Recent synonyms:
Critesion murinum subsp. leporinum, H. murinum subsp. leporinum.

Key references
(books and floras):
[1981] M.Lazarides in J.Jessop (ed)., Flora of
Central Australia
(433), [2002] D.Sharp & B.K.Simon, AusGrass,
Grasses of Australia
, [2002] J.Wheeler, N.Marchant & M.Lewington, Flora
of the South West (420), [2006] J.Jessop, G.R.M.Dashorst, F.M.James, Grasses
of South Australia
(270), [2008] S.W.L.Jacobs, R.D.B.Walley &
D.J.B.Wheeler, Grasses of New South Wales (279), [2009] A.Wilson (ed.). Flora
of Australia
, Vol 44A. Poaceae 2 (115).

[2006] J.Jessop, G.R.M.Dashorst, F.M.James, Grasses of South Australia  (271, fig. 210), [1984] N.T.Burbidge. rev.
S.W.L.Jacobs, Australian Grasses  (157), [2008] S.W.L.Jacobs, R.D.B.Whalley
& D.J.B.Wheeler, Grasses of New South Wales, 4th edn (279), [2009].
A.Wilson (ed.), Flora of Australia 44A: Poaceae 2 (113, Fig.17).

Habit. Annual.
Culms erect or geniculately ascending, 6–60 cm tall, 3–5 -noded. Leaf-sheath
auricles absent, or present. Ligule an eciliate membrane, 0.5–1 mm long,
hyaline. Leaf-blades 2–20 cm long, 2–8 mm wide.

Inflorescence solid, a spike. Rhachis fragile at the nodes.

Spikelets sessile, 1 in the cluster. Companion spikelets pedicelled, 2 in the
cluster. Companion spikelets developed, containing empty lemmas or male, 7–11
mm long. Fertile spikelets 1-flowered, comprising 1 fertile floret(s), without
rachilla extension, lanceolate, dorsally compressed, 7–12 mm long.

Glumes. Glumes
similar. Lower glume subulate or oblong, cartilaginous or indurate. Lower glume
apex awned. Upper glume subulate, 25–30 mm long.

Fertile lemma 7–14 mm long, without keel, 5 -nerved. Lemma apex awned, 1
-awned. Median (principal) awn 10–50 mm long overall. Anthers 3.

: Europe, Africa, Temperate Asia, Tropical Asia, Australasia,
Pacific, North America, South America, and Antarctica.

: Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia,
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Lord Howe, Christmas Is.

Western Australia:
Helms, Carnarvon. Eucla, Irwin, Drummond, Dale, Menzies, Avon, Coolgardie. Northern
: Central Australia North, Central Australia South. South
: Lake Eyre, Nullabor, Gairdner-Torrens Basin, Flinders Ranges,
Eastern, Eyre Peninsula, Northern Lofty, Murray, Yorke Peninsula, Southern
Lofty, Kangaroo Island, South-eastern. Queensland: Burnett, Darling
Downs, Gregory North, Leichhardt, Maranoa, Moreton, Port Curtis, Warrego, Wide
Bay. New South Wales: North Coast, Central Coast, South Coast, Northern
Tablelands, Southern Tablelands, North-Western Slopes, Central-Western Slopes,
South-Western Slopes, North-Western Plains, South-Western Plains, North Far
Western Plains, South Far Western Plains. Victoria: East Gippsland,
Eastern Highlands, Gippsland Highlands, Gippsland Plain, Grampians, Lowan
Mallee, Midlands, Murray Mallee, Otway Plain, Otway Range, Wilsons Promontory,
Riverina, Snowfields, Volcanic Plain, Wannon, Wimmera. Tasmania:
Furneaux Group, North West, North East, Midlands, East Coast, South West.

Planted as a winter or spring fodder crop (said to be particularly useful as a
feed on sheep camps). However, the disarticulated triads of mature spikelets
can be a contaminant of wool, and the point of attachment with the rachis may
injure stock. Covas (1949) considered this species to be an allotetraploid
arising from hybridisation between H. murinum and H. glaucum.

all states and territories. Introduced into most parts of the world including
New Zealand, southern Africa and North America, indigenous to the
Mediterranean. Flowers Sept.-Nov.

AVH 2011


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith