Amphibromus archeri

Amphibromus archeri (Hook.f.) P.Morris. Victorian
51:146 (1934). Classification. (GPWG 2001) : Subfamily Pooideae.
Tribe Poeae.

Common name:
Pointed Swamp Wallaby Grass.

Basionym and/or
Replacement Name:
Hook. f. Flora Tasmaniae 2: 122, t. 163B. 1858.

Type of Basionym or
Protologue Information
: ST: Archer 28, Australia: Tasmania: Cheshunt
(K(central culm only); ILT: NSW). LT designated by Jacobs & Lapinpuro, Telopea
2: 726 (1986).

Recent synonyms:
A. archeri var. papillosus P.Morris.

Key references
(books and floras):
[2002] D.Sharp & B.K.Simon, AusGrass, Grasses of
, [2006] J.Jessop, G.R.M.Dashorst, F.M.James, Grasses of South
(195), [2009] A.Wilson (ed.). Flora of Australia, Vol 44A.
Poaceae 2 (134).

[2006] J.Jessop, G.R.M.Dashorst, F.M.James, Grasses of South Australia  (196, fig. 144), [2009]. A.Wilson (ed.),
Flora of Australia
44A: Poaceae 2 (135, Fig.20).

Derivation: in
honor of William Archer (1820–74), English-born Tasmanian botanist.

Perennial. Culms erect, 60–120 cm tall, 1–3 mm diam., 2–4 -noded. Mid-culm
nodes glabrous. Leaf-sheaths smooth. Ligule an eciliate membrane, 4.5–12.5 mm
long, acute. Leaf-blades flat or involute, 15–32 cm long, 2.5–5 mm wide.
Leaf-blade surface smooth or scaberulous, indumented.

Inflorescence compound, a panicle or a panicle. Panicle 15–35 cm long.

Spikelets pedicelled. Fertile spikelets many flowered, with at least 2 fertile
florets (3–7), comprising 3–7 fertile floret(s), with a barren rachilla
extension or with diminished florets at the apex, oblong, laterally compressed,
12–18 mm long.

Glumes. Glumes
similar, thinner than fertile lemma. Lower glume lanceolate, membranous,
keeled, 1-keeled, 3–5 -nerved. Upper glume elliptic, 6.4–9.2 mm long,
membranous, keeled, 1-keeled, 5–7 -nerved. Upper glume apex muticous or

Fertile lemma 6–8 mm long, without keel, 7 -nerved. Lemma apex dentate, awned,
1–5 -awned. Median (principal) awn dorsal, 14.5–18 mm long overall, with a
twisted column. Column 5–7.5 mm long. Lateral lemma awns present. Lodicules
present. Anthers 3. Grain 1.7–2.2 mm long.

: Australasia.

: South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania.

South Australia:
Flinders Ranges, Northern Lofty, Southern Lofty, Kangaroo Island,
South-eastern. Victoria: East Gippsland, Gippsland Plain, Grampians,
Midlands, Otway Plain, Wannon. Tasmania: North East, Central Highlands,
Midlands, East Coast.

Notes. Endemic.
In damp areas such as lagoons, waterholes and swamps, often on predominantly
sandy soils.

AVH 2011

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith