Pentameris airoides*

Pentameris airoides* Nees. Sem. Hort.
Bot. Vratisl.

Classification. (GPWG 2001) : Subfamily
Danthonioideae. Tribe Danthonieae.

Basionym and/or
Replacement Name:
Nees, Sem. Hort. Bot. Vratisl. (1834).

Recent synonyms:
Pentaschistis airoides.

Key references
(books and floras):
[1952] C.A.Gardner, Flora of Western Australia 1
Gramineae (54), [2002] D.Sharp & B.K.Simon, AusGrass, Grasses of
, [2002] J.Wheeler, N.Marchant & M.Lewington, Flora of the
South West (427), [2006] J.Jessop, G.R.M.Dashorst, F.M.James, Grasses of
South Australia
(306), [2008] S.W.L.Jacobs, R.D.B.Walley &
D.J.B.Wheeler, Grasses of New South Wales (335).

[1952] C.A.Gardner, Flora of Western Australia 1 Gramineae (53,
Pl. 13), [2005] K.Mallet (ed.), Flora of Australia 44B: Poaceae 3
(Fig.4, A-D as subsp. airoides), [2006] J.Jessop, G.R.M.Dashorst,
F.M.James, Grasses of South Australia  (307, Fig. 240), [2008] S.W.L.Jacobs,
R.D.B.Whalley & D.J.B.Wheeler, Grasses of New South Wales, 4th edn

Habit. Annual
or perennial. Culms 6–35 cm tall, 2–4 -noded. Lateral branches simple. Leaves
mostly basal. Ligule a fringe of hairs. Leaf-blades 3–6 cm long, 1–3 mm wide.
Leaf-blade surface indumented.

Inflorescence compound, a panicle. Panicle ovate, 2–6 cm long, 2–5 cm wide.

Spikelets pedicelled. Fertile spikelets many flowered, with at least 2 fertile
florets, comprising 2 fertile floret(s), without rachilla extension, cuneate,
laterally compressed, 2–3 mm long.

Glumes. Glumes
similar, shiny. Lower glume elliptic, membranous, keeled, 1-keeled, 1 -nerved.
Upper glume elliptic, 2.5–5 mm long, membranous, keeled, 1-keeled, 1 -nerved.

Fertile lemma 1.5–2.5 mm long, without keel, 5–9 -nerved. Lemma surface
glabrous. Lemma apex lobed, awned, 3 -awned. Median (principal) awn from a
sinus, 5–8 mm long overall, with a twisted column. Lateral lemma awns present.
Lodicules present. Anthers 3. Grain 1.1 mm long.

: Africa and Australasia.

Australian Distribution:
Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria.

Western Australia:
Drummond. South Australia: Flinders Ranges, Eyre Peninsula, Northern
Lofty, Murray, Southern Lofty, South-eastern. New South Wales: Central
Tablelands, Southern Tablelands, South-Western Slopes, South-Western Plains.

Widespread annual weed in the temperate southern half of Australia, introduced
from South Africa, widespread annual. Flowers Aug. to Dec.


AVH 2011


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith