
1. Spikelet axis not disarticulating between glumes and lowest floret at maturity 2
Spikelet axis disarticulating between glumes and lowest floret at maturity 5

2. Lemma with two short awns *A. strigosa (NSW VIC TAS WA)
Lemma 2-toothed or 2-lobed 3

3. Lower lemma hairy *A. fatua x A. sativa (QLD)
Lower lemma glabrous 4

4. Awn with distinct column *A. sativa (NSW VIC TAS SA WA QLD)
Awn without a distinct column *A. byzantina (WA, QLD, NSW)

5. Lemma with two short awns *A. barbata (NSW VIC TAS SA WA)
A. alba auct.
Lemma 2-toothed or 2-lobed 6

6. Spikelet axis disarticulating readily between florets at maturity *A. fatua (NSW VIC TAS NT SA WA QLD)
Spikelet axis not disarticulating readily between florets at maturity 7

7. Lowest lemma 18-25 mm long; callus 1.2-2 mm long *A. sterilis subsp. ludoviciana
A. ludoviciana, A. persica
Lowest lemma 25-33 mm long; callus c. 2.6 mm long *A. sterilis subsp. sterilis (NSW VIC)
A. sterilis

Key to Avena derived from Bor 1970    

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith