1. | Anthers rusty brown; ligules 3-5 mm ong |
P. longior (SA WA) |
Anthers creamy white or if brownish then ligules less than 3 mm long |
2 | |
2. | Palea keels almost completely glabrous |
P. sp. (Swan Reach) (SA) |
Palea keels scabrous |
3 | |
3. | Panicle branches spreading, mostly bare in lower part |
4 |
Panicle branches mostly contacted, with spikelets evenly distributed on branches |
8 |
4. | Anthers 0.5-11 mm long |
5 |
Anthers 1.2 mm long |
7 |
5. | Palea keels hairy in lower half |
P. fasciculata (VIC SA) |
Palea keels glabrous in lower half | 6 | |
6. | Upper glume 2-3 mm long; lemma tip tapering |
P. perlaxa (NSW VIC SA TAS) |
Upper glume 1.2-2 mm long; lemma tip tapering | P. distans (NSW SA TAS) | |
7. | Lower glume more than half the length of upper glume |
P. ciliata (NSW VIC SA WA) |
Lower glume about half the length of upper glume | P. gigantea (WA) | |
8. | Upper glume 4.2-8 mm long |
P. harcusiana (TAS) |
Upper glume 1.5-4 mm long | 9 | |
9. | Spikletets crowded toward base of panicle branches |
P. vassica (WA) |
Spikletets evenly distributed along panicle branches | 10 |
10. | Culs erect |
P. stricta (VIC SA TAS WA) |
Culms decumbent |
P. decumbens (SA) |
Key to Puccinellia derived from Walsh 1991 + P. decumbens, P. gigantea, P. harcusiana sp. Busselton, sp.
Warren Rd,
sp. Swan Reach fide APC
Taxonomic name: