
1. Culms decumbent, rooting at nodes *M. maximus var. maximus cv. Embu (QLD)
Culms tufted and erect, not rooting at nodes 2

2. Spikelets indistinctly hairy *M. maximus var. pubiglumis (NSW QLD)
Urochloa maxima var. trichoglume
Spikelets glabrous 3

3. Leaf hairy at junction of sheath and blade *M. maximus var. coloratus (QLD)
Urochloa maxima var. coloratum
Leaf glabrous at junction of sheath and blade 4

4. Plant 1.8-2 m tall; leaf-blades 15-18 mm wide *M. maximus var. maximus (NSW NT SA WA QLD)
Urochloa maxima var. maxima
Plant 3-3.5 m tall; leaf-blades 24-26 mm wide *M. maximus var. maximus cv. Hamil (QLD)

Key to Megathyrsus derived from

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith