Armstrong, G. |
Triodia |
Arriaga, M.O. & |
Amelichloa: a new |
Barkworth, M.E. (1990) |
Nassella |
Barrett, M.D. & |
Micraira sp. A and |
Barrett, R.L., |
Triodia fissura. Flora of Australia 44B |
Bess, E.C., Doust, |
Zuloagaea, a new |
Black, J.M. (1941) |
Transactions of the |
Brown, A.J. (2006) |
The taxonomic |
Brown, A.J. (2008) |
New Lachnagrostis |
Bruhl, J.J., Wilson, Peter G. & |
Grass not fungus: |
Burbidge, N.T. |
Proceedings of the |
Burbidge, N.T. |
The Genus Triodia |
CHAH (2005) |
Australian Plant |
CHAH (2007) |
Australian Plant |
CHAH (2008) |
Australian Plant |
CHAH (2009) |
Australian Plant |
CHAH (2010) |
Australian Plant |
Camus, A. in Camus, |
Flore Generale de l'Indo-Chine 7(1) |
Camus, A.A. (1931) |
Bulletin de la |
Clayton, W.D. |
Notes on Setaria |
Craig, C.F. (1984) |
Reinstatement of |
Cross, D.O. & |
List of the |
Du Puy, D.J., Telford, I.R.H. & Edgar, E. (1993) |
Poaceae. Flora of Australia 50 |
Everett, J., |
Tribe Stipeae. Flora of Australia 44A |
Fernald, M.L. |
Rhodora |
Gardner, C.A. & Hubbard, C.E. (1990) |
Icones Plantarum |
Green, P.S. (1994) |
Norfolk Island |
Halacsy, E. von |
Conspectus Florae |
Henwood, M.J. & |
Triticum. Flora of Australia 44A |
Holmberg, O.R. |
Botaniska Notiser |
Jacobs, S.W.L. |
Lachnagrostis. Flora of Australia 44A |
Jacobs, S.W.L. |
Austrostipa, a new |
Jacobs, S.W.L. |
The Australian |
Jacobs, S.W.L. |
An earlier name for |
Jacobs, S.W.L. |
The genus |
Jacobs, S.W.L. |
Thedachloa, a new |
Jacobs, S.W.L. |
Agrostis. Flora of Australia 44A |
Jacobs, S.W.L., Everett, J. & |
Nasella tenuissima |
Jacobs, S.W.L., |
New combinations in |
Jacobs, S.W.L., |
Rostraria. Flora of |
Jannink, T.A. & |
Revision of |
Jessop, J.P. (1993) |
A list of the |
Jessop, J.P. (2009) |
Melica. Flora of Australia 44A |
Jovet, P. & |
Bulletin du Centre d' Etudes et de Recherches |
Kerrigan, |
Checklist of Northern Territory |
Kodela, P.G. & |
Tribe Phareae. Flora of Australia 44A |
Kodela, P.G. (2009) |
Oryza. Flora of Australia 44A |
Kodela, P.G., |
Phalaris. Flora of Australia 44A |
Koning, R. de, |
A revision of |
Lazarides, M. & |
Cyperchloa, a new |
Lazarides, M. & |
Yakirra (Paniceae, |
Lazarides, M. |
The genus Eriachne |
Lazarides, M. |
A revision of |
Lazarides, M. |
Micraira. Flora of Australia 44B |
Lazarides, M., |
Taxonomy of |
Lazarides, |
Clausospicula, a |
Lazarides, |
Eriachne. Flora of Australia 44B |
Lazarides, M., |
Triodia. Flora of Australia 44B |
Linder, H.P. (1997) |
Nomenclatural |
Linder, H.P. (2005) |
Trib. Danthonieae. Flora of Australia 44B |
Linder, H.P. (2009) |
Tribe Nardeae. Flora of Australia 44A |
Linnaeus, C. (1753) |
Species Plantarum 1 |
Linnaeus, C. von |
Systema Naturae Edn 10 2 |
Love, A. (1980) |
Chromosome number |
Mabberley, D.J. |
Mabberley's |
Macfarlane, T.D. |
Trib. |
Macfarlane, T.D. |
A new species of |
Macfarlane, T.D. |
Corynephorus. Flora of Australia 44A |
Michael, P.W. |
Echinochloa |
Morat, Ph. (1981) |
Adansonia: recueil periodique d'observations |
Morris, D.I. (1990) |
New taxa and a new |
Morris, P.F. (1931) |
Flora of Victoria |
Nees von Esenbeck, |
Florae Africae Australioris Illustrationes |
Nightingale, M.E. |
Triraphis. Flora of Australia 44B |
Nightingale, M.E., |
Psammagrostis. Flora of Australia 44B |
Nightingale, M.E., |
Symplectrodia. Flora of Australia 44B |
Nightingale, M.E., |
Zoysia. Flora of Australia 44B |
Nightingale, M.E., |
Leptochloa. Flora of Australia 44B |
Ohwi, J. (1947) |
Bulletin of the Tokyo Science Museum. 18 |
Palisot |
Essai d'une |
Palmer, J. & |
Tripogon. Flora of Australia 44B |
Palmer, J., |
Eragrostis. Flora of Australia 44B |
Retzius, A.J. |
Observationes |
Simon, B.K. & |
Revision of the |
Simon, B.K. & |
Megathyrsus, a new |
Simon, B.K. (1978) |
Technical Bulletin, |
Simon, B.K. (1982) |
New species of |
Simon, B.K. (1989) |
Studies in |
Simon, B.K. (1992) |
Studies in |
Simon, B.K. (1993) |
Studies in |
Simon, B.K. (2005) |
Sporobolus. Flora of Australia 44B |
Simon, B.K. , Weiller, |
Dichelachne. Flora of Australia 44A |
Simon, B.K., Sharp, |
Poaceae. Census of the Queensland |
Snow, N. (1998) |
Nomenclatural |
Soreng, R.J., |
Saxipoa and |
Spangler, R.E. |
Taxonomy of Sarga, |
Sprengel, C.P.J. |
Systema |
Stapf, O. (1918) |
Flora of Tropical Africa 9 |
Steudel, E.G. von |
Synopsis Plantarum |
Thuillier, J.L. |
Flore des Environs de Paris Edn 2 |
Trinius, |
Species Graminum |
Trinius, |
Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des sciences de |
Vickery, J.W. |
A revision of the |
Vickery, J.W. |
New species of |
Vickery, J.W. |
A revision of the |
Walsh, N.G. (1991) |
New taxa in |
Walsh, N.G. (2009) |
Leymus. Flora of Australia 44A |
Walsh, N.G., |
Poa. Flora of Australia 44A |
Webster, R.D. |
The Australian |
Weiller, C.M. & |
Tribe Bromeae. Flora of Australia 44A |
Weiller, C.M. & |
Enneapogon. Flora of Australia 44B |
Weiller, C.M. & |
Glyceria. Flora of Australia 44A |
Weiller, C.M. |
Pheidochloa. Flora of Australia 44B |
Weiller, C.M. |
Vulpia. Flora of Australia 44A |
Weiller, C.M., |
Polypogon. Flora of Australia 44A |
Weiller, C.M., |
Trisetum. Flora of Australia 44A |
Weiller, C.M., |
New Victorian |
Weiller, C.M., |
Lolium. Flora of Australia 44A |
Wendland, J.C. |
Collectio Plantarum 2 |
Western Australian |
FloraBase: the |
Western Australian |
FloraBase: the |
Western Australian |
FloraBase: the |
Williams, A.R. |
Puccinellia |
Williams, A.R., |
Puccinellia. Flora of Australia 44A |