1. | Lemmas 1-3 awned, deeply 3 lobed; glumes much longer than florets (excluding awns) | 2 |
Lemmas awnless or rarely aristulate, 3 toothed or shallowly 3 lobed; glumes much shorter than florets | 22 | |
2. |
Spikelets up to 8 mm long (excluding awns); lemmas membranous | 3 |
Spikelets more than 8 mm long; lemmas hardened to some degree | 5 | |
3. | Leaf blades pseudopetiolate | T. cremnophila (WA) |
Leaf blades not pseudopetiolate | 4 | |
4. | Inflorescence c. 4 cm wide; central lemma awn c. 4 mm long |
T. bynoei (NT WA) Plectrachne bynoei |
Inflorescence c. 2 cm wide; central lemma awn to 20 mm long |
T. bunglensis (WA) Plectrachne bunglensis |
5. | Lemma with a transverse line or thickening at base of lobes | 6 |
Lemma without a transverse line or thickening at base of lobes | 10 | |
6. | Body of lemma at least 4.5 mm long | 7 |
Body of lemma up to 3 mm long | 8 | |
7. | Body of lemma 4.5-5 mm long; culms to 80cm tall; inflorescence 10-14 cm long |
T. helmsii (SA WA QLD) Plectrachne helmsii |
Body of lemma 5-7 mm long; culms to 1.5m tall; inflorescence to 25 cm long |
T. acutispicula (WA) Plectrachne caroliniana |
8. | Glume 15-20 mm long |
T. schinzii (NT SA WA QLD) Plectrachne schinzii |
Glumes up to 12 mm long | 9 | |
9. | Glumes 4.5-6 mm long |
T. clayonii (WA QLD) Triodia mollis, Plectrachne mollis |
Glumes 7-12 mm long |
T. bitextura (NT WA QLD) Plectrachne pungens, P. pungens var. callosum |
10. | Palea densely pubescent | 11 |
Palea glabrous or lightly pubescent at base and ciliolate on keels | 12 | |
11. | Spikelets 9-13 mm long |
T. rigidissima (WA) Plectrachne rigidissima |
Spikelets 15-18 mm long |
T. desertorum (WA) Plectrachne desertorum |
12. | Glumes with long awns | 13 |
Glumes awnless or with short awns | 14 | |
13. | Lower glume 1-awned, upper with small lateral lobes |
T. bromoides (WA) Plectrachne bromoides |
Both glumes 3 awned, lateral awns c. 1/2 as long as median |
T. aristiglumis (NT) Plectrachne aristiglumis |
14. | Body of lemma c. 4 mm long | 15 |
Body of lemma 5-8 mm long | 20 | |
15. | Lower culm internodes with woolly hairs | 16 |
Lower culm internodes glabrous | 17 | |
16. | Lemmas 1-awned, awns strongly curved or contorted |
T. contorta (NT) Plectrachne contorta |
Lemmas 3-awned, awns straight or slightly bent |
T. melvillei (NT SA WA) Plectrachne melvillei |
17. | Lemmas 1 awned |
T. uniaristata (NT) Plectrachne uniaristata |
Lemmas 3 awned | 18 | |
18. | Culms resinous | T. salina (NT WA) |
Culms non-resinous | 19 | |
19. | Panicle 20-30 cm long; aerial roots and stolons absent | T. prona (WA) |
Panicle 7 -15 cm long; aerial roots and stolons present | T. aeria (WA) | |
20. | Lower leaf-sheaths and culm internodes densely covered with woolly hairs |
T. danthonioides (WA) Plectrachne danthonioides |
Lower leaf-sheaths and culm internodes not covered with woolly hairs | 21 | |
21. | Glume 11-16 mm long |
T. longipalea (WA) Plectrachne drummondii |
Glumes 6-8 mm long |
T. dielsii (WA) Plectrachne dielsii |
22. | Leaf blades flat or incurved-tubular | T. procera (NT) |
Leaf blades terete due to conduplicate folding | 23 | |
23. | Leaf sheaths resinous; culms laterally flattened | 24 |
Leaf sheaths not resinous nor culms laterally flattened | 37 | |
24. | Spikelets up to 6 mm long | 25 |
Spikelets more than 6 mm long | 29 | |
25. | Lemma apex slightly lobed or entire | 26 |
Lemma with equal lobes divided to middle | 27 | |
26. | Lemma slightly lobed; lemma 9-nerved | T. cunninghamii (WA) |
Lemma entire; lemma 3-nerved | T. biflora (WA) | |
27. | Lemma with 3 small pointed lobes, median being twice as long as laterals | T. stenostachya (NT WA QLD) |
Lemma with 3 minute teeth | 28 | |
28. | Spikelets 4-5 mm long; glumes acute; palea not winged | T. microstachya (NT WA QLD) |
Spikelets 6-8 mm long; glumes emarginate or 2 lobed; palea winged | T. radonensis (NT) | |
29. | Palea shorter than total length of lemma (body and lobes) | 30 |
Palea almost as long as total length of lemma | 34 | |
30. | Lemma lobes 1/3-1/2 lemma length | T. triaristata (NT QLD) |
Lemma lobes 1/8-1/3 lemma length | 31 | |
31. | Spikelets 4-8 mm long, 4-7-flowered; lemma lobes less than 1 mm long | T. burbidgeana WA) |
Spikelets 7-14 mm long, 5-10-flowered; lemma lobes more than 1 mm long | 32 | |
32. | Spikelets 8-9 mm long | T. pungens (NT SA WA QLD) |
Spikelets more than 9 mm long | 33 | |
33. | Lemma 3-nerved; spikelets 1.5-2 mm wide | T. latzii (NT) |
Lemma 9-nerved; spikelets 3-5 mm wide | T. epactia (NT WA) | |
34. | Lemma ±as wide as long | T. marginata (NSW QLD) |
Lemma longer than wide | 35 | |
35. | Glumes 5-9-nerved; lemma lobes half as long as the lemma | T. longiloba (NT WA) |
Glumes 3-nerved; lemma lobes less than half as long as the lemma | 36 | |
36. | Spikelets narrowly eliptic; glumes mucronate | T. hubbardii (NT) |
Spikelets ovate; glumes not mucronate |
T. mitchellii (NSW NT QLD) T. hostilis |
37. | Inflorescence a simple or compound raceme or spike | 38 |
Inflorescence an open panicle | 50 | |
38. | Inflorescence a simple raceme or spike | 39 |
Inflorescence spicate or racemose on lateral branches | 41 | |
39. 40. |
Lemma 3 lobed apically; inflorescence a simple raceme | T. plurinervata (WA) |
Lemma not lobed; inflorescence a simple spike | 40 | |
Basal lemma 5-8 mm longwith midrib hirsute in lower half | T. spicata (NT WA) | |
Basal lemma 4.5-5 mm long with midrib glabrous | T. fissura (WA) | |
41. | Lemma with 3 groups of 3 nerves; leaf sheaths hairy or tomentose at base | 42 |
Lemma with 3 strong nerves; leaf sheaths glabrous | 44 | |
42. | Plants with scattered droplets of secretion | T. roscida (NT WA) |
Plants without secretion | 43 | |
43. | Spikelets 17-25 mm long | T. integra (NT) |
Spikelets 10-14 mm long | T. molesta (QLD) | |
44. | Palea not winged on nerves | 45 |
Palea winged on nerves | 47 | |
45. | Lemma hairy on back and margins | T. secunda (WA) |
Lemma glabrous or with a few basal hairs | 46 | |
46. | Spikelets at least 6 mm long | T. angusta (WA) |
Spikelets 2-3 mm long | T. pascoeana (WA) | |
47. | Lemma membranous | T. fitzgeraldii (WA) |
Lemma leathery | 48 | |
48. | Spikelets 4.5-6 mm long | T. racemigera (NT WA) |
Spikelets more than 6 mm long | 49 | |
49. | Glumes 1-nerved; lemma minutely toothed | T. longiceps (NT SA WA QLD) |
Glumes 3-nerved; lemma 3 lobed | T. triticoides (WA) | |
50. | Lemma lobes as long as or longer than base | 51 |
Lemma lobes shorter than base | 52 | |
51. | Lateral lemma lobes acuminate and hairy | T. lanigera (WA) |
Lateral lemma lobes obtuse and glabrous | T. basedowii (NSW NT SA WA QLD) | |
52. 53. |
Inflorescence very open; glumes shortly awned | 53 |
Inflorescence loosely narrow or small; glumes not shortly awned | 54 | |
Spikelets 3.5-4.5 mm long; lemma 9-nerved | T. barbata (WA) | |
Spikelets 6-7 mm long; lemma 3-nerved | T. plectrachnoides (NT) | |
Spikelets 9-13 mm long; lemma 5-nerved | T. aurita (NT) | |
54. | Lemma 3 lobed or 3 toothed apically; palea nerves winged | 55 |
Lemma notched or truncate apically; with a mucro or short awn in notch; palea nerves not winged | 62 | |
55. | Leaf sheath orifice and base of blade with erect or spreading hairs | 56 |
Leaf sheath orifice and base of blade with woolly tangled or short hairs | 58 | |
56. | Median lobe longer than laterals | T. inaequiloba (WA) |
Median lobe equal in length to laterals | 57 | |
57. | Lemmas 3 toothed apically | T. intermedia (NT WA) |
Lemmas 3 lobed to 1/4-1/3 of lemma length | T. wiseana (NT WA) | |
58. | Leaf sheath orifice with very short hairs | T. longiceps (NT SA WA QLD) |
Leaf sheath orifice with woolly, tangled hairs | 59 | |
59. | Lemma with a fringe of hairs between lateral nerve group and margin |
T. brizoides (NT WA QLD) T. burkensis, T. clelandii |
Lemma without a marginal fringe of hairs | 60 | |
60. | Lemma 3 toothed | T. concinna (WA) |
Lemma 3 lobed | 61 | |
61. | Spikelets ovate; palea wings distinct | T. molesta (QLD) |
Spikelets narrowly elliptic; palea wings very narrow | T. inutilis (NT WA) | |
62. | Glumes ±equal to spikelet length | T. irritans (NT SA WA) |
Glumes ± half spikelet length | 63 | |
63. | Leaf sheath and orifice with woolly hairs | 64 |
Leaf sheath and orifice glabrous, scabrid or with short, soft hairs | 65 | |
64. | Glumes glabrous, 11-12 mm long; lemma 9-10 mm long | T. tomentosa (WA) |
Glumes hairy, 7-10 mm long; lemma 6-8 mm long | T. lanata (SA) | |
65. | Spikelets 8-12-flowered | T. compacta (SA) |
Spikelets 4-8-flowered | 66 | |
66. | Lemma apex broadly truncate, with a distinct apical mucro |
T. scariosa (NSW VIC SA WA QLD) T. truncata |
Lemma apex emarginate, with or without a slender mucro between lemma lobes | 67 | |
67. | Spikelets 6-8mm long; lemma hairs woolly and interwoven | T. vella (QLD) |
Spikelets 8-10mm long; lemma hairs not woolly, and straight | 68 | |
68. | Glumes and lemmas cartilaginous; florets tightly imbricate | T. bunicola (SA VIC) |
Glumes and lemmas scarious; florets loosely imbricate at maturity |
T. scariosa (NSW VIC SA WA QLD) T. truncata |
Key to Triodia derived from Lazarides 1997, Barrett et al 2005, Barrett & Barrett 2011
Taxonomic name: